Team Member ACLs
The Team Member ACLs update feature in the NextBee Insights Dashboard allows the business administrator to manage the access control levels of each team member. This ensures that each team member can only access and perform the necessary tasks within the platform.
To update the ACLs, the business administrator must first select the team member from the dropdown list. Once the team member is selected, a list of ACLs will appear with a set of checkboxes and radio buttons.
The "Show Menu" checkbox determines if the team member can see the menu options or not. If the checkbox is unchecked, the team member will not have access to any pages within the platform. If the checkbox is checked, the team member will be able to access the menu options but the "Set Readonly" checkbox will determine if the team member can only view the information or if they can also make updates.
The "Home Page" radio buttons allow the administrator to set a default page for the selected team member. This means that when the team member logs in, they will be taken directly to the selected default page instead of the normal home page.
The "Also Update Members" multi-select list allows the administrator to select multiple team members and update their ACLs all at once, making it easier to manage the access control levels for multiple team members at once.