Program Selector
The Program Selector in the NextBee Insights Dashboard provides a convenient way for businesses to manage multiple programs that they have operating with NextBee. The selector can be found on the top status bar of the dashboard, next to the NextBee logo. By default, the first program will be selected automatically. However, if a business has more than one program, they can easily switch between programs using the selector dropdown.
Once a program is selected, the dashboard will display only the relevant data related to that program, including information about activities, insights, points, rewards, and more. The selector ensures that businesses have easy access to the data they need, without having to sift through information from other programs.
For businesses looking to launch a new loyalty program, the Program Selector also provides an option to "Launch New Initiative." This option opens a series of screens that simplify the process of creating a new program and launching a new loyalty website, making it easier for businesses to get started with NextBee.