The NextBee Insights Dashboard's program preferences tab allows the company owner or another team member to control the loyalty program's overall parameters. This page's goal is to record program-level characteristics and make it simpler for business owners to add new parameters or adjust existing parameters to meet their needs.
The important elements of the Program Preferences page are described in the following subheadings:
Key-Value Pairs
On this page, program preferences are kept as pairs of keys and values. In a software, data is stored and retrieved using pairings of related information known as key-value pairs.
Create New Parameters
By using the "Add New Attribute" button, team members or business owners can create new parameters for the program. The key and value of the new parameter can be entered on a form that will appear.
Details View
The Program Preferences page displays all the global parameters for the loyalty program. These parameters can be edited and updated as needed by the business owner or team member. To view the details of a specific parameter, simply click on the details icon next to the parameter. This will open a side dialog where you can view the details of the parameter.
Update a Parameter
If you need to make changes to the parameter, you can click on the edit icon within the details dialog. This will allow you to edit the key-value pairs within the dialog. The changes made in this dialog will be saved and reflected in the Program Preferences page once you have completed the changes.
Editing Program Name
In the same screen, the user can also edit the program name and program description by clicking on the "Edit" button next to each field. This allows the user to easily update the information and keep it up-to-date.
Finally, the Program Preferences page is a crucial component of the NextBee Insights Dashboard that enables business owners to easily manage their program parameters. For business owners, managing their loyalty program and ensuring its performance is made simpler with the help of its key-value pairs, add new parameters, and change current parameters features.