# Purge Member


The Purge Member feature is located in the Member Profiles page, and it allows you to remove a member's transactions and related data from the loyalty program. This feature is useful for cleaning up outdated or inaccurate data in the system.

When you click on the Purge Member button, a confirmation window will appear, asking if you are sure you want to purge the member's data. The message reads: "Are you sure you want to purge the member data? All transactions related to the member will be deleted." You can always cancel this action if you change your mind.

If you choose to proceed and click on the "Yes, Purge" button, all activities, points, segments, rewards, and other data related to the member will be cleared from the system. However, it is important to note that the member's account will not be deleted, but will be left fresh and ready to be used again.

In conclusion, the Purge Member feature is a powerful tool in the NextBee Insights Dashboard that allows you to remove outdated or inaccurate data from the loyalty program and keep the system clean and organized. It is an important part of the overall management of the loyalty program and helps ensure that the data in the system is accurate and up-to-date.