# Member Rewards


The Member Rewards section is located within the Member Profiles page and provides a detailed view of the rewards claimed by a specific member in the loyalty program. This section is accessible by clicking the "Rewards" tab on the Member Profiles page.

The Member Rewards section displays a list of the member's reward transactions, including information such as the ID, Reward Option Name, Reward Count, Award Fulfillment Notes, Date Claimed, and Status. There is also an action button labeled "Details" that can be clicked to view additional information about the reward transaction.

The table of reward transactions is accompanied by a pagination bar that allows you to navigate through the list of member rewards. The number of rewards displayed per page can be adjusted based on your preferences.

When you click on the "Details" button for a specific reward transaction, a sidekick drawer will open that displays detailed information about the reward transaction. This information may include reward transaction details, reward configuration details, and any other relevant information related to the reward.

In addition to the detailed information provided in the Member Rewards section, there is also a checkbox provided at the end of each reward record. This checkbox allows you to select individual reward records or all records at once. Once you have selected one or more reward records, you can update the reward status in bulk by using the options provided.

This bulk update functionality provides a convenient and efficient way to manage reward transactions in the loyalty program and helps to streamline your workflow and save time when working with large amounts of data.

In conclusion, the Member Rewards section in the NextBee Insights Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of the rewards claimed by individual members in the loyalty program. With its detailed information, this section is an essential part of the NextBee Insights Dashboard and helps to effectively manage and optimize the loyalty program.