Member Messages
The Member Messages section is located within the Member Profiles page and provides a view of the messages sent to a specific member in the loyalty program. This section is accessible by clicking the "Messages" tab in the Member Profiles page.
The Member Messages section displays a list of the messages sent to the member, including information such as the type of message (e.g., Rewards, Activities, Points, and Segments transactions related alert messages) and the date the message was sent. The section provides a drop-down selection list that allows you to choose the type of messages you want to view.
When you select a message from the list, you have the option to resend the message to the customer. You can also view more details about the message by clicking the "Details" icon, which will open a sidekick drawer with additional information about the selected message.
In conclusion, the Member Messages section in the NextBee Insights Dashboard provides a convenient and user-friendly way to view and manage the messages sent to individual members in the loyalty program.