# Member Activities


The Member Activities section is located within the Member Profiles page and provides a detailed view of the activities performed by a specific member in the loyalty program. This section is accessible by clicking the "Activity" tab on the Member Profiles page.

The Member Activities section displays a list of the member's activities, including information such as the Activity ID, Activity Name, Activity Type, Activity Date, and Status. There is also an action button labeled "Details" that can be clicked to view additional information about the activity.

At the bottom of the page, there is a pagination bar that allows you to navigate through the list of member activities. The number of activities displayed per page can be adjusted based on your preferences.

When you click on the "Details" button for a specific activity, a sidekick drawer will open that displays detailed information about the activity. This information may include activity details, points details, activity attributes, and any other information related to the activity.