Email Template
The Email Templates page in NextBee Insights Dashboard allows businesses to create and manage email templates for various objects like Activities, Incentives, Rewards, Segments, and Offers.
The page has a List view which displays all the email templates created, with columns like ID, Template Name, Object Name, Subject, Created Date, and Status. The page also has filtering and pagination options to help businesses navigate through the list of email templates.
On clicking the Details button in the Action column of the email template list, users can navigate to the Details view of that particular email template. The Details view displays all the information related to the email template, including the email body, subject, and placeholders used.
Users can also edit the email template by clicking on the Edit button in the Action column of the email template list. The Edit view displays all the information related to the email template and allows users to make changes to the email body, subject, and placeholders.
The email templates in the Email Templates page are essential for businesses to communicate with their customers effectively. By creating and managing email templates, businesses can ensure that their email communication is consistent, on-brand, and engaging.
List of Email Templates
The Email Templates List view in NextBee Insights Dashboard displays a list of email templates created by the business. The view contains columns such as ID, Template Name, Subject, Type, Status, and Action.
The ID column displays a unique identifier for each email template, while the Template Name column displays the name of the email template. The Subject column displays the subject line of the email, and the Type column displays the type of object the email template is associated with, such as Activities, Incentives, Rewards, Segments, and Offers. The Status column displays whether the email template is active or inactive.
The Email Templates List view also has filtering and pagination options to help businesses navigate through the list of email templates efficiently. The filtering option allows businesses to filter the email templates by ID, Template Name, Type, and Status. The pagination option allows businesses to view the email templates in sets of 10, 20, 50, or 100 per page.
On the top right corner of the Email Templates List view, there is an Add New button that allows businesses to create a new email template. The Action column contains a Details icon that allows businesses to view the details of a particular email template.
Create New Email Template
The Create Email Template form in NextBee Insights Dashboard is a form that allows businesses to create new email templates for different objects, such as Activity, Incentive, Reward, Segment, and Offer.
The form begins with the selection of the object for which the email template is being created. After selecting the object, the form prompts the user to choose the message type, whether it is an Approval or Rejection message.
Next, the form asks for the subject of the email template. This is the subject line that will be displayed in the email.
Following the subject, there is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor window, which allows businesses to edit the email content in rich text. This is where businesses can create and customize email messages, including text, images, and formatting.
Alternatively, the form also provides the option to upload a raw HTML file and then edit the file as needed. This is useful for businesses that prefer to use HTML for their email content creation.
Once all the required fields are filled out, businesses can save the email template by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the form.
Email Template Details
The Email Template Details view in NextBee Insights Dashboard displays the details of a particular email template. The view provides information on the ID, Template Name, Subject, Type, Status, and the email template's preview.
In the Email Template Details view, businesses can also update the status of the email template, whether it is active or inactive, depending on their requirements.
The Email Template Details view also provides a preview of the email template, allowing businesses to see how the email will appear to the customers. This feature helps businesses ensure that the email template's content and design are aligned with their branding and marketing goals.
On the top right corner of the Email Template Details view, there is a button that allows businesses to navigate to the Edit Template view, where they can make changes to the email template's content, subject, and other details.
Edit Email Template
The Edit Email Template form in NextBee Insights Dashboard allows businesses to modify existing email templates for different objects, such as Activity, Incentive, Reward, Segment, and Offer.
The form begins by displaying the existing email template. The user can modify the subject and content of the email in the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor window. Alternatively, the user can also upload a raw HTML file and edit it as needed.
Once the changes are made, the user can save the updated email template by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the form.
In addition to modifying the content of the email template, the form also allows users to update the status of the email template to either Active or Inactive.
Overall, the Edit Email Template form in NextBee Insights Dashboard provides businesses with the flexibility to modify and update their email templates as needed to effectively communicate with their customers and promote their loyalty programs.