The Coupons page in the NextBee Insights Dashboard allows you to manage all of the coupons that have been created as part of your loyalty program. These coupons can be created as part of activity, reward, and offer configurations.
The Coupons list contains several columns, including the ID, Coupon Name, Coupon Code, Object Name, Coupon Type, Status, and Action. This allows you to easily manage and track all of the coupons that have been created for your loyalty program.
You can use the filtering tool at the top of the page to filter the list of coupons based on specific criteria, such as coupon name or object name. The list can also be paginated with 10, 20, 50, or 100 items per page, depending on your preference.
By clicking on the Details action button for a specific coupon, you can navigate to the Coupon Details page. Here, you can update the status of the coupon to New, Active, Used, or Disabled. While most updates to coupon status will occur automatically through the program, there may be times when you need to manually intervene, such as if you need to disable a specific coupon for a particular reason.
With the Coupons page in the NextBee Insights Dashboard, you can easily manage and track all of the coupons that have been created for your loyalty program. This allows you to ensure that your customers have a positive experience with your loyalty program and that they are able to redeem their coupons as intended.