Business Profile
The Business Profile form in NextBee Insights Dashboard allows organizations to manage their business profile information, which is used to provide a comprehensive view of their business in the platform. The form captures the following information:
: The email address associated with the business.
: The phone number associated with the business.
Website Address
: The website address of the business.
: A file upload field for the business logo, which is displayed in various places throughout the platform.
Support Phone
: The phone number for customer support.
Header Banner
: A file upload field for the header banner, which is displayed at the top of the platform pages.
Footer Copy Right Message
: The copyright message displayed at the bottom of the platform pages.
Account Contact
: The contact information for the account owner.
Billing Contact
: The contact information for the billing department.
Facebook Page
: The Facebook page associated with the business.
Once all the information is provided, click the save button to update the business profile information.