# Performance

To gauge the success of a Loyalty Promotions Program and monitor the development of its many moving parts, accurate performance analytics are an absolute must. Insights into the program's success are presented in this part through analytics that covers a wide range of metrics, such as User Engagement, Rewards, Points, Member Behaviors, Segments, and Email Messages. By analyzing this data, we may fix flaws in the program's implementation and see more fruitful outcomes. Using the data presented in the Performance Analytics charts, businesses may optimize their marketing campaigns and, ultimately, increase member loyalty. Overall, a Loyalty Promotions Program's success is heavily reliant on Performance Analytics.

# Activities Analysis


The purpose of the Activities Analytics is to give a comprehensive overview of the various activities carried out by program participants. The table format presents data straightforwardly and clearly, including crucial metrics such as Total Activities, Total Logins, and other activities of significance.

In addition to the tabular view of Rewards Analytics, the program also provides a visual representation of the data in the form of bar charts. By selecting "View Breakdown" from the drop-down menu, the user can access a series of KPIs related to rewards, including but not limited to Total Rewards, Fulfilled, Rejected, and the average time taken for fulfillment.

Moreover, the chart provides an interactive feature by allowing the user to click on each dot above the chart, which displays a different chart related to activities. This feature provides deeper insights and analysis of the reward data and helps the user understand the trends and patterns in the reward redemption process.

By regularly monitoring the Rewards Analytics, businesses can evaluate the effectiveness of their rewards system, track performance over time, and make informed decisions on how to improve the overall experience for their program members.

# Top Activities Chart


The Top Activities Chart provides a visual representation of the top five activities performed by program members. The chart is displayed as a horizontal bar graph, with each bar representing one of the five activities. Accompanying the graph is a text-based analysis that details the percentage of total activities represented by the top three activities. This information provides valuable insights into program engagement and user behavior, allowing businesses to make informed decisions about the effectiveness of the NextBee Loyalty Program.

# Top Activities by Points Chart


The Leading Actions Based on Points The chart provides a visual representation of the top five activities with the highest point totals. Each of the five activities is represented by a horizontal bar in the chart. A textual analysis detailing the percentage of total activities represented by the top three activities, etc., is provided alongside the graph.

This chart is a useful resource for businesses in determining the most popular activities among their program participants and the influence of these activities on point accumulation. Companies may make informed decisions to improve the NextBee Loyalty Program, increase user engagement, and ultimately build brand loyalty by studying the data in this chart.

# Top Activities by Popularity Chart


The Top Activities by Popularity chart displays a visual representation of the most popular activities performed by users in a bar graph format. The chart displays the top five activities with the highest number of participations. The accompanying textual analysis provides additional insights, such as the percentage of total activities represented by the top three activities, providing valuable information for businesses to make informed decisions regarding the NextBee Loyalty Program.

# Top Users based on Activities Chart


The Top 5 Users by Activities Chart displays a visual representation of the top five users based on the number of activities performed. This information is displayed in the form of a bar graph, with each bar representing one of the top five users. The chart also includes a textual analysis at the bottom, which provides additional insights into the performance of the top users, such as the percentage of total activities they represent. This information can help businesses understand which users are the most engaged and active in the NextBee Loyalty Program, and make informed decisions on how to further incentivize their engagement.

# Engagement by Activity Type Chart


The Engagement by Activity Type chart shows how program participants interact with the various types of activities available. This bar chart shows how many times each type of activity has been completed by program members and provides a visual representation of the level of engagement with each activity type. The textual analysis at the bottom of the chart provides insights into the overall distribution of engagement across activity types, assisting businesses in understanding the popularity and effectiveness of each type of activity. Businesses can make informed decisions about the continuation or modification of various activities by closely monitoring this chart to foster greater engagement among program members and drive brand loyalty.

# Daily Activities Chart


The Daily Activities Chart provides a visual representation of the daily participation in different activities performed by users in the program. The chart is displayed as a curved blue line graph, depicting the number of activities performed daily for the past month. A green line plotting the 7-day average is also displayed within the chart to provide a clearer understanding of the daily fluctuations in user engagement. The bottom of the chart contains a text-based analysis, which provides an in-depth insight into the data and helps in understanding the overall engagement trends of the users with the program. This chart provides valuable information to businesses, allowing them to make informed decisions on how to enhance user engagement and drive the success of the NextBee Loyalty Program.

# Daily Logins Chart


The Daily Logins Chart provides a clear visual representation of the number of daily logins for the past month. The blue curved line plot shows the daily variation in the number of logins, while the green line provides the 7 days average for comparison. The chart also comes with a detailed text-based analysis at the bottom, which provides an in-depth understanding of the daily login trends and any relevant insights that may have emerged from the chart. This information is valuable in understanding the engagement level of users with the program and can be used to inform decision-making around the program's design and marketing efforts.

# Weekly Registrations Chart


The Weekly Registrations Chart provides an overview of the number of new registrations received by the program over the past week. The chart is represented by a curved line, displaying the daily fluctuations in the number of registrations. The line chart is accompanied by an analytical note at the bottom, which provides insights into the trend, identifying any unusual spikes or dips, and explaining the significance of the fluctuations. This chart helps to understand the growth rate of the program, as well as the effectiveness of its marketing and acquisition efforts.

# Activities - Saved Reports


Located near the Summary section, the Saved Reports link provides access to saved reports from the Activity screen. These reports can be retrieved from this screen with just one click. Detailed information about these reports will be provided in the Activity Reports section.

# Rewards Analytics


The Reward Analytics in a Loyalty Promotion Program provides a comprehensive overview of the rewards offered by the program. This section displays information such as Rewards Pending, Fulfilled, Rejected, Total Rewards, Total Members who earned rewards, and many more. By clicking the "View Breakdown" option in the drop-down menu, the table transforms into an insightful representation of the rewards information in the form of various charts. These charts provide a visual representation of important KPIs related to rewards and assist in making informed decisions for improving the reward structure of the program. Understanding reward analytics is crucial for businesses as it allows them to evaluate the effectiveness of their rewards system and ensure that it is driving strong brand loyalty among program members.

# Top Reward Options Chart


The Top Reward Options bar chart provides a visual representation of the top rewarded options in the NextBee Loyalty Program. The chart is designed as a bar graph, with each bar representing one of the top reward options. Accompanying the graph is a text-based analysis that provides a detailed understanding of the data, such as the percentage of total rewards each option represents, the number of members who earned the rewards, and any other relevant information. By regularly analyzing this information, the business can understand which reward options are popular among its members and make informed decisions to enhance the NextBee Loyalty Program.

# Top Rewards by Points Used Chart


The Top Rewards by Points Used chart provides a visual representation of the rewards that were consumed by the program's members using the most number of points. The chart is displayed as a bar graph, with each bar representing one of the top rewards. This chart helps businesses to understand which rewards are most valuable to their users and how they can optimize their programs to further enhance the user experience. By analyzing the data provided by the chart, businesses can make informed decisions about which rewards to focus on and how to allocate resources to maximize the impact of the NextBee Loyalty Program

# Top Rewards by Popularity Chart


The Top Rewards by Popularity chart displays information about the most popular rewards among the program members. This information is presented in the form of a bar chart, with each bar representing a different reward. The height of the bar indicates the number of members who redeemed that particular reward. The chart provides a quick and easy-to-understand overview of which rewards are most sought after by the members and can aid businesses in making informed decisions about which rewards to offer and how to market them to maximize their appeal. The chart is accompanied by a textual analysis that provides further insights and context about the data displayed.

# Top Reward Recipients Chart


The Top Reward Recipients chart displays the top five program members who have received the most rewards. This information is presented in a bar chart format, with each bar representing one of the five members. The length of each bar represents the number of rewards received by that member, making it easy to see who the top reward recipients are at a glance. The chart may also include accompanying text-based analysis, providing additional context and insights into the data. This chart provides valuable information for businesses looking to understand which members are most engaged with their rewards program and make adjustments to enhance their program's effectiveness.

# Reward Statuses Chart


The Reward Statuses Chart provides a clear picture of the number of rewards available in the system and how they are divided into different statuses. This chart is in the form of a pie chart, with each slice representing a different status such as Pending, Fulfilled, Rejected, etc. The size of each slice is proportional to the number of rewards in that status at the current moment. This chart provides valuable information on the distribution of rewards, enabling businesses to understand the current state of their rewards program and make informed decisions regarding its improvement. The Reward Statuses Chart provides a visual representation of the rewards information and helps in making data-driven decisions for a more effective rewards program.

# Daily Rewards Chart


The Daily Rewards Chart provides a visual representation of the rewards redeemed by members daily over the past month. The chart is displayed as a blue curved line, with a green line plotted to show the 7-day average of rewards redeemed. The chart is accompanied by a text-based analysis that provides in-depth insights into the data, such as trends, patterns, and fluctuations in reward redemption. The chart helps businesses to better understand their reward program and make informed decisions on how to improve the program and increase member engagement.

# Cumulative Reward Redemptions Chart


The Cumulative Reward Redemptions chart is a line graph that displays the total number of rewards redeemed over time. The line chart shows the accumulated sum of redemptions made by the members. The graph is accompanied by a text-based analysis that provides a summary and deeper insights into the data displayed on the chart.

# Rewards - Saved Reports


The Saved Reports link is located near the Summary section of the analytics page. By clicking on this link, users can access previously saved reports from the Activity screen. The saved reports can be easily retrieved with just one click, offering convenient access to important information. The Activity Reports section will provide more detailed information about these saved reports.